Po’ohala Futbol Club Summer Program



The Po’ohala Futbol Club is offering a 2020 Summer Program to all our Po’ohala F.C. Ohana or extended-Ohana interested in safely getting out, staying active, and continuing to better their soccer skills. Due to COVID-19 our training sessions follow all most up-to-date CDC guideline for safe play, as well as, all regulations set forth by U.S. Club Soccer. You may follow this link for more information on U.S. Club Soccer’s Return-to-Play Resources.

Program Registration & Practice RSVP

Our 2020 Summer Program is complementary for all Po’ohala F.C. player who registerd and paid for the 2020 Spring Season. All already registerd players only need to RSVP to each practice session using our Club-Wide TeamReach group under the calendar tab.

All 2020 Spring Season non-registed player and all guest players not part of Po’ohala Futbol Club may fill out our Pre-Registration From here.

Schedule & Location

Summer practices will be held on Mondays and Thursdays from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM at the North Vidinha soccer fields. Always on the airport side of the fields. This will be our schedule through the end of August.  

Po’ohala F.C. U8 Honu player Kekai Laureta ready for another summer training session!

Po’ohala F.C. U8 Honu player Kekai Laureta ready for another summer training session!

Health & Safety Prodocols

Due to the Stae of Hawaii and County of Kauai’s current active Emergency Proclamation, all our traning and game sessions will have the following Health & Safety protocols that all participants must abide by:

  1. Each practice will have a maximum number of players PER TEAM that can attend at once time. Indivisual team practices are currently limited to no more than 24 players per practice day. There can and there will be serveral groups of no more than 25 poeple in each seaction of our practice fiels, howenver, each group must stay separated throughout the duration of practice. This player cap number may change as the County of Kauai and State of Hawaii add and change Emergency Rules. For more information Emergeny Rules during the COVID-19 Pandemic, please visit: www.kauai.gov/COVID-19

  2. Due to the above, players or parents must "RSVP" to practices by the morning of, using the TeamReach "attendance" feature under the calendar tab and then under that practice event day. Please use the Club-Wide TeamReach group and calendar only. 

  3. All players, parents, and coaches, staff and guests MUST wear a mask before and as they walk onto the soccer field. Coaches will instruct when players may remove their masks before the start of practice. 

  4. All players, parents, and coaches, staff and guests will be be screened upon endering the practice area. The screen process is comprise of a four-question questionnaire, temperature check, and hand sanitaion. You may preview the questions we ask by visiting: www.poohala.org/health-screening

  5. Each players will have their own individual Personal Equipment Area" (PEA) marked on the field next to each team’s training area. Each player’s PEA is denoted by a Red or Orange line on the field. The PEA is where players will store all their belongings, including water bottles, throughout the duration of practice. Only one player per PEA, unless two players reside in the same house hold.

  6. Players must bring their own water bottles to practice, as water will no longer be provided by club until further notice. There will also be absolutely no sharing of water during practice time. 

  7. After screening and sanitaion, players are to walk directly to their team’s practice area and find an open PEA to put down all personal equipemt, then proceed to the sanitation station to sanitize hands and any other desired equipment.

  8. Players must identify their Personal Equipment Area (PEA) and remain in their area until they receive further instructions by the coaching staff. This will help to ensure 6 feet of separation is kept between players at all times. During water breaks or other personal breaks, players are to only visit their own PEA.

  9. During practice, when not engaged in any type of competive training or matches, all participants are to remain six (6) feet apart from each other during downtime. Players are aked not to touch any of the general team practice equipment such as cones, goals, etc.

  10. At the end of practice, players will be instructed to wipe their hands and and all equipment again at the sanitation station. Players are to put on their masks once again after practice and before they exit the soccer fields. 

***Players will be asked to sit out or be sent home if they don't follow any of above guidelines. We are incredibly excited to be back on the soccer fields, but we need to ensure everyone is safe and healthy during these uncertain times. As long as all guidelines are followed, we should be able to continue to have soccer be part of our "regular" lives again!